Comment history with hypnotique
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my brother apparently ordered a guitar from mexico.I dont know why it had to be from mexico..
that sucks hard. i was rudely awakened too. 3 times, all before my alarm went off. my niece crying, one of my sisters asking to borrow my gps, and the other asking me to take her to school because she missed her bus. i need thicker walls and a lock on my door. whose guitar were you signing for?
i woke up to banging from the UPS guy at the door. only to have to sign for a fucking guitar -__- haha
I always liked medical stuff so i figured i try it out. I ended up leaving culinary for all of those reasons and the poor pay.
nice. i had to take a break becsuse i got tired of the people and the atmosphere. i always felt rushed and i didn't like that. not getting my degree isn't an option so i'll go back eventually. i wanted to get back into dance but my parents started complaining. eh. what made you get into nursing?
I have a bachelors of arts in culinary arts gone to waste lol. I ended up getting burnt out so now i cook as a hobby
you were in culinary arts before you got into the nurse thing?
this place called Dream Dinners and i'm a personal cook. that's where i was tonight. i watch the boys every wednesday while the mom goes to bible study.
uh oh, better sip on some Theraflu. i'm okay just got rid of a headache. sittin' on the couch at work.
at least it'll get you somewhere. you're building you resume and you get the experience from being in the field.